If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
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Voltaire. Épître à l'Auteur du Livre des Trois Imposteurs [Letter to the author of The Three Impostors]. 10 Nov. 1770.
Voltaire. Épître à l'Auteur du Livre des Trois Imposteurs [Letter to the author of The Three Impostors]. 10 Nov. 1770.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Voltaire. Candide, ou l'Optimisme [Candide: or, All for the Best]. Geneva: Gabriel Cramer, 1759, ch. 1.
Voltaire. Candide, edited by Nicholas Cronk. W. W. Norton & Company, 2016, ch. 1.
Quoted in The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, by James Boswell
Johnson, Samuel. Quoted in journal entry, written by James Boswell. 31 July 1763.
Johnson, Samuel. Quoted in The Life of Samuel Johnson, written by James Boswell, edited by David Womersley. Penguin Classics, 2008.
Vaughan, Henry. "The Night." Silex Scintillans. London: H. Blunden, 1655.
Pascal, Blaise. Pensées [Thoughts]. Paris: Chez G. Desprez, 1670, no. 55.
Pascal, Blaise. "Pensées." Pensées and Other Writings, edited by Anthony Levi, translated by Honor Levi. Oxford University Press, 2008, no. 55.