God is a sea of infinite substance.
Authentication Score 1
Saint John of Damascus. "An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith." The Fountain of Wisdom. c. 749, bk. 1, ch. 9.
Saint John of Damascus. "An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith." The Fountain of Wisdom. c. 749, bk. 1, ch. 9.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. "Братья Карамазовы [The Brothers Karamazov]." The Russian Messenger, Jan. 1879 - Nov. 1880. Serial.
Dostoevsky, Feodor. The Brothers Karamazov, translated by David McDuff. Penguin Classics, 2003.
John 8:12
The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (John 8:12.)