Do justice, that you may live long upon earth. Calm the weeper, do not oppress the widow, do not oust a man from his father's property, do not degrade magnates from their seats. Beware of punishing wrongfully; do not kill, for it will not profit you.

The Teaching for Merikare

Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Herakleopolitan FIP King, Kheti III (Wahkare Akhtoy III); attributed. The Instruction of Merikare. The Leningrad Papyrus, 1116A, n.d.

Current Citation

Herakleopolitan FIP King, Kheti III (Wahkare Akhtoy III); attributed. "The Instruction of Merikare." Ancient Egyptian Literature, translated by Miriam Lichtheim. University of California Press, 2019, parable 8.