We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.
Authentication Score 3
Popper, Karl. The Open Society and Its Enemies. Vol. 1, Routledge, 1995, notes to the chapters, ch. 7, note 4.
Popper, Karl. The Open Society and Its Enemies. Vol. 1, Routledge, 1995, notes to the chapters, ch. 7, note 4.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Sanders, Henry R. Quoted in L.A. Times. 18 Oct. 1950. Originally spoken to the Quarterback Club. Luncheon. 1948, Tutwiler Hotel, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
Horney, Karen. Our Inner Conflicts: A Constructive Theory of Neuroses. W. W. Norton & Company, 1945, conclusion.
Bacon, Francis. Novum Organum. London: John Beale, 1620, bk. 1, no. 3.
Bacon, Francis. The New Organon. Translated by Michael Silverthorne. Cambridge UP, 2000, bk. 1, no. 3.