
Explore 1184 quotes by Politicians

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Roosevelt, Franklin D. "First Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1933, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Current Citation

Roosevelt, Franklin D. "First Inaugral Address: Washington, DC, March 4, 1933." Great Speeches, edited by John Grafton. Dover, 1999.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy. 7 Mar. 1839, Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, England, UK, act 2, sc. 2.

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Authentication Score 1


Churchill, Winston. Address in the House of Commons. House of Commons meeting. 11 Nov. 1947, The Palace of Westminster, London, England, UK.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Second Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1865, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Current Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Second Inaugral Address, March 4, 1865." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 2018.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Gettysburg Address." At the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. 19 Nov. 1863, Gettysburg, PA, USA.

Current Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 1989.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to James Madison. 30 Jan. 1787.

Current Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. "James Madison, Jan. 30, 1787." The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson, edited by Adrienne Koch and William Peden. Modern Library, 1998.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "First Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1861, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Current Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "First Inaugral Address, March 4, 1861." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 2018.

Authentication Score 3


Kennedy, John F. "Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1961, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Reagan, Ronald. "Tear Down This Wall!" 12 June 1987, Brandenburg Gate, West Berlin, Germany.

The buck stops here.

Harry Truman

Phrase on a sign on Harry Truman's desk in the White House.

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Truman, Harry S. Sign on Truman's desk during his presidency. c. 1945.

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Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. "Day of Infamy." US Congress meeting. 8 Dec. 1941, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Original Citation

Caesar, Julius. Quoted in "Julius Caesar." Parallel Lives by Plutarch. c. 2nd century BC, ch. 50, sect. 2.

Current Citation

Caesar, Julius. Quoted in "Julius Caesar." Parallel Lives by Plutarch. Oxford University Press, 2009, ch. 50, sect. 2.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Gettysburg Address." At the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. 19 Nov. 1863, Gettysburg, PA, USA.

Current Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 1989.

Remember that Time is Money.

Benjamin Franklin

The American Instructor: or Young Man's Best Companion

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Advice to a Young Tradesman." The American Instructor: or Young Man's Best Companion. Philadelphia: George Fisher, 1748.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Advice to a Young Tradesman." Benjamin Franklin: Silence Dogood, The Busy-Body and Early Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin, [published anonymously]. "Bradshaw's Epitaph." Pennsylvania Evening Post. Philadelphia, 14 Dec. 1775.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Bradshaw's Epitaph." Benjamin Franklin: Silence Dogood, The Busy-Body and Early Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

Cui bono?

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Pro Milone [In Defense of Milo]. c. 52 BC, sect. 32.

Current Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Pro Milone [For Milo], translated by D. H. Berry. Oxford University Press, 2009, sect. 32.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Jefferson, Thomas [published anonymously]. Notes on the State of Virginia. Paris: Philippe Denis Pierres, 1785, query 18.

Current Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia, edited by Frank Shuffelton. Penguin Classics, 1998, query 18.

Who benefits?

Lucius Cassius Longinus Ravilla

Quoted in Pro Milone, by Cicero

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Cicero, Marcus Tullius. "Pro Roscio Amerino [In defense of Sextus Roscius of Amerina]." 80 BC, Umbria, Italy.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

United States Constitution. Amend. 2.

Current Citation

The Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence. Written by Delegates of The Constitutional Convention. Racehorse, 2016, amend. 2.

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Plutarch. Βίοι Παράλληλοι [Parallel Lives]. Rome, 1470.