
Explore 117 quotes about Art

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Original Citation

Horace. Carmina [Odes]. 23 BC, bk. 3, no. 30.

Current Citation

Horace. "Odes." The Complete Odes and Epodes, translated by David West. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk, 3, no. 30.

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Original Citation

Schiller, Friedrich. "Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen in einer Reihe von Briefen [On the Aesthetic Education of Man]." Horen, Jan. 1795, letter 2.

Current Citation

Schiller, Friedrich. On the Aesthetic Education of Man, edited by Alexander Schimidt, translated by Kenneth Tribe. Penguin Classics, 2016, letter 2.

The greatness of art, like poetry or music, is that it is totally unnecessary.


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Christo. "Interview: Christo On the Freedom of Unnecessary Art." Interviewed by Peter Simek. D Magazine, 24 Feb. 2011.

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Picasso, Pablo. "Picasso n'est pas officier dans l'armee Francaise." Interviewed by Simon Tery. Les Lettres Francaise, 24 Mar. 1945.

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Sontag, Susan. "Freak Show." The New York Review of Books, 15 Nov. 1973.

In a burning building...I would save a cat before a Rembrandt.

Alberto Giacometti

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Lord, James. Giacometti: A Biography. Macmillan, 1997, ch. 44.

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Picasso, Pablo. Quoted in Life with Picasso, written by Francoise Gilot and Carlton Lake. McGraw-Hill, 1964, pt. 6.

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Authentication Score 1


Michelangelo. Letter to his father. Oct. 1512.

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Original Citation

Seneca the Younger. Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium [Moral Letters to Lucilius]. c. 65 AD.

Current Citation

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Letters on Ethics, translated by Margaret Graver and A. A. Long. University of Chicago Press, 2017.

Art! Who comprehends her? With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess!

Ludwig van Beethoven

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Original Citation

Beethoven, Ludwig. Letter to Bettina Brentao (Bettina von Arnim). 11 Aug. 1810.

Current Citation

Beethoven, Ludwig. Beethoven's Letters. Dover Publications, 1972.

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O'Keefe, Georgia. “Georgia O’Keeffe at 90." Interviewed by Mary Lynn Kotz. Art News, Dec. 1977.

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Original Citation

Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Spruche in Prosa Maximen und Reflexionen [Sayings in Prose, Maxims and Reflections]. 1819, no. 739.

Current Citation

Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Maxims and Reflections, translated by Elizabeth Stopp, edited by Peter Hutchinson. Penguin Books, 2005, no. 739.

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Original Citation

Michelangelo. Non ha l' ottimo artista [The Lover and the Sculptor]. c. 1623.

Current Citation

Michelangelo. "Sonnet 15: The Lover and the Sculptor." Sonnets, translated by Elizabeth Jennings. Routledge, 2002.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Tolstoy, Leo. What is Art? London: The Brotherhood Publishing Company, 1898.

Current Citation

Tolstoy, Leo. What Is Art? Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. Penguin Classics, 1996.

Authentication Score 3


Warhol, Andy. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B & Back Again). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, ch. 6.

To be an artist means never to avert one's eyes.

Akira Kurosawa

Quoted in The New York Times

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Lyman, Rick. "Akira Kurosawa, Film Director, Is Dead at 88." New York Times, 7 Sept. 1998, Section A, Page 1,

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Original Citation

Wilde, Oscar. "The Critic as Artist." Intentions. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1891, pt. 2.

Current Citation

Wilde, Oscar. "The Critic as Artist Part II." Oscar Wilde: The Major Works, edited by Isobel Murray. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Rilke, Rainer Maria. Letter to Franz Kappus. 17 Feb. 1903.

Current Citation

Rilke, Rainer Maria. Letters to a Young Poet, translated by Charlie Louth. Penguin Classics, 2014.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Proust, Marcel. Le Temps retrouvé [Time Regained]. Paris: Gallimard, 1927.

Current Citation

Proust, Marcel. Finding Time Again, edited and translated by Ian Patterson. Penguin Classics, 2023.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Wilde, Oscar. "The Decay of Lying." Intentions. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1891.

Current Citation

Wilde, Oscar. "The Decay of Lying." Oscar Wilde: The Major Works, edited by Isobel Murray. Oxford University Press, 2008.